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We work with credit unions of all sizes to increase the impact of their loans and services.

Unlocking opportunities for credit unions to change lives and their communities.

diamond graphich with banner reading Over $1 Billion for CDFIs

The credit union experts in all things CDFI: certification, grant writing and compliance reporting, with over $1 billion won for credit unions.


Comprehensive consulting to increase impacts and revenue by making your credit union relevant, mission-driven and sustainable. 

CU Results

Inspiring, transformative meeting facilitation to align your financial ratios and priorities with a plan to achieve your strategic vision. 

CU Strategic Planning

Full service executive search from recruitment to interviews, by career credit union experts.

CU Executive Search

Training specifically for community development-oriented credit unions to engage and empower staff to unlock opportunities for your members.

stylized mountain landscape

It's What We Do.

Our Work in Numbers


credit unions certified as CDFIs


$1 Billion

in funding for credit unions


awards won

Join the many credit unions that depend on us.

Joe Brancucci tackles the hot-button topic of fair lending from a practical perspective. In this webinar, he provides valuable advice and best practices to help your credit union live its cooperative principles and serve your community.

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